Looking for a helping hand with your business online? this package will ensure your business is up to date and aligned across all social media channel.
Fixer-Upper Package
Ensure business social media is up to date
Updating business information
Align your brand online
Content suggestions (website and socials)
£250 Fixed Fee
Kickstart Package
Ensuring your business presence and brand are up to date and aligned across platforms
Up to three social media platforms
Four posts weekly including a reel and story suggestions
Monthly content calendar
Increased online engagement
Social media analytics with action plan
Starting from £500+
Elevation Package
Ensuring your business presence and brand are up to date and aligned across platforms
Up to two social media platforms
Two posts weekly and story suggestions
Monthly content calendar
Minimal online engagement
Basic social media analytics
Starting from £350+
Stellar Package
Ensuring your business presence and brand are up to date and aligned across platforms
Up to four social media platforms
Five posts weekly including at least two reels and story suggestions
Monthly content calendar
Full-time online engagement
Detailed social media analytics with action plan
Monthly catch-up
Website management
Starting from £750+
New business idea or looking to transform your brand with a fresh redesign, this is the package for you.
Brand Design
Logo creation including mockup designs
Brand identity- Font, colour palette and icon
Starting from £150+
Speciality Design
Print material design including menus, brochures, business cards, banners and sign design
Starting from £150+